I arrived today at Sweet Revenge, psyched to pick up the new V-day cupcakes to deliver to the Martha Stewart show and Time Out New York magazine.  Alas, I learned Joan had issues with piping the sexy, edgy heart design we’d been working on and so all the cupcakes were in the signature SR design – ie 3 piped mohawks.  Natch, they looked badass but not valentine-esque. Boooooooooo. Joan quickly again attempted the heart motif for me and sadly the heart got in the way, refusing to cooperate.

Last year, I had the opportunity to drop off my cupcakes for consideration for the Today Show’s annual summer wedding show where the viewers vote on all aspects of the wedding.  I submitted the Pure, the Dirty and the Not So Dirty – all highly stylized and delicious.  I put together a powerpoint pitch page which included visuals and a description that the cupcakes would be displayed with strewn rose petals and ribbons to match the bridesmaid dresses.  I had 24 hours to sort out the idea and deliver the cupcakes.  I was pretty pleased with the proposal given the quick turnaround time, but later I learned that my cupcakes didn’t look weddingny enough.  I don’t need to learn that lesson again. Valentine’s day cupcakes need hearts. And mine will look badass when we get it right — sexy, edgy and sophisticated, nothing cutesy about them.

I called my friend at the show and begged off for more time explaining the issue we were experiencing.  I’m now delivering the cupcakes next Tuesday.  I told my pal Lise who is departing back to Blighty this afternoon, that all the rush-rush and stress reminded me of our NBC days when doing deals was life or death and deadlines arbitrary and only do-able by extreme sacrifice. This is cupcakes I’m talking about. No one is going to die. The deadline I’d set today was one I’d created that luckily had flexibility. A quick phone into my friend Kelli at the show eliminated the pressure and bought us the time we needed. Thank you Kelli for being so understanding!

So today we’re selling the first batches of the Ma Cherie and Casablanca and we have the Very Strawberry which is a mad fave of my patrons.

Teaser taste of Sweet Revenge — the waiting is the heartest part (sorry Tom Petty, I couldn’t help myself!)…

The sweetest revenge is just to be happy!



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